Best Productivity Tips of High Performing Students

  • Minimize Distractions – Don’t Multitask. Focus on one thing at a time

  • Complete your toughest task/assignment first to avoid procrastination.

  • Declutter your mind and study space – Plan, Organize and implement

  • Work in Time Blocks – Take regular study breaks.

  • Find and follow your most productive hours.

  • Don’t let your study work/ assignment pile on.

  • Use your resources in most optimum way. (Teachers, Mentors, Books, Notes, Study Material, Time.)

Building Strong Study Habits: The Key to Success for 11th and 12th Commerce Students

The key to success in 11th and 12th commerce exams is having strong study habits. However, building these habits is not always easy. Here, we will discuss the importance of strong study habits and offer tips on how to develop and maintain them.

The Importance of Strong Study Habits:
Having strong study habits can make all the difference in your 11th and 12th commerce education. By building these habits, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your tuition classes and making steady progress toward your goals. With consistent and effective study habits, you can improve your exam scores, retain information better, and feel more confident and motivated.

Tips for Building Strong Study Habits:

Establish a Study Schedule: Setting aside a specific time each day to study is essential for building strong study habits. Choose a time that works best for you and stick to it, even on weekends.

Create a Study Environment: Find a quiet and well-lit space where you can study without distractions. Invest in a comfortable chair, good lighting, and necessary supplies to make your study space as conducive as possible.

Use Active Learning Techniques: Active learning techniques like taking notes, summarizing information, and testing yourself can help you better retain information and build stronger study habits.

Prioritize Your Studies: Make a list of the subjects you need to study and prioritize them according to their importance and deadline. This will help you stay focused and on track.

Take Regular Breaks: Taking regular breaks during your study sessions can help you stay fresh and focused. Get up, stretch, and take a short walk to clear your mind and recharge.

Stay Motivated: Finally, it is essential to stay motivated in your studies. Find ways to make studying fun, set achievable goals, and reward yourself when you reach them.

Building strong study habits is crucial for success in the 11th and 12th commerce exams. By following the tips outlined above, you can develop and maintain habits that will help you reach your full potential. With consistent and effective study habits, you can improve your exam scores, retain information better, and feel more confident and motivated.

How to maximize your potential for board exams?

(1) Develop a study plan: Start by creating a study plan that outlines your goals for the board exams.Make sure to include realistic timelines and milestones to stay on track.

(2) Set short-term goals: Setting short-term goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your long-term goals. Break down larger tasks into smaller, achievable goals and reward yourself when those goals are accomplished.

(3) Stay organized: Staying organized is essential for success. Create an organized study space, take notes, and use study aids or flashcards to help keep track of important information.

(4) Practice, practice & practice: You can’t expect to master a subject without practice. Take practice tests, review your notes, and practice solving problems to get comfortable with the material.

(5) Get enough rest: Make sure to get enough rest and sleep before the exam. This will help you stay alert and focused during the exam.

(6) Eat healthy: Eating healthy and staying hydrated will help you stay energized during the exam.

(7) Take breaks: Breaks are important for staying focused and on-task. Make sure to take breaks throughout your studying to avoid burnout.

How to Remember Everything You Read?

THE 3 C Method

(1) Capture : Capture all the information in one place.

(2) Connect : Connect through your life, daily activities, task, things etc.

(3) Create : Make things happen → Apply what you have learnt.

"Creation is the dedicated discipline."

How to Develop a Progressive Mindset

(1) Persistent Learning and Growth: Believing that everything is to be learned can be learned.

(2) Being Proactive: Don’t wait for something to happen so you can react on it. Rather you make something happen.

(3) Developing Resilience: How good you are at going even when you don’t want to.

(4) Focus on efforts not results: Give your 100%. To have 2X results you must give your 3X inputs.

How to study smarter

Method – 1 : Active Learning

If you just copy or read through readily available study materials or notes, you won’t learn anything.

You can have a reference of your study materials, but to gain deeper understanding, you must learn actively.

Here are five tips to active learning:

(1) Create your own method of learning

(2) Teach and explain the concept to someone- Protégé effect

(3) Create your own notes or summary

(4) Go through the study materials and ask yourself what you remember?

(5) Revise at regular interval of time.